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Royal Canin Mini Dental Care

Oral hygiene plays an important part in the overall health of your dog. That’s why a diet that contains nutrients

Aellis Natural Dog Food Grain Free Chicken

"Oven-Baked Fresh Free-Range Chicken Dog Food with Superfoods & Greek Virgin Olive Oil" Discover the ultimate nourishment for your beloved dog with our Oven-Baked Dog Food featuring Fresh Free-Range Chicken. This premium recipe is meticulously crafted to cater to the ancestral diet and biological needs of all breeds, adult and senior dogs alike. Our main ingredient, fresh free-range chicken, provides high-quality protein, ensuring a meal that's both delicious and nutritious. Key Ingredients: Fresh Free-Range Chicken Meat (70%): Serves as an excellent protein source. Chicken Organs (Liver & Hearts): Provides essential nutrients. Natural Superfoods: Including goji berries, cranberries, and chia seeds for antioxidants and phytonutrients. Fresh Vegetables: Pumpkin and carrots for fiber and vitamins. Greek Virgin Olive Oil: For Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, promoting healthy skin and a shiny coat. Benefits: Highly Digestible: Made with ingredients that are easily absorbed. Supports Immune Health: Superfoods and herbs boost the immune system. Hypoallergenic: Free from common allergens, suitable for sensitive dogs. No Artificial Additives: No colors, flavors, or preservatives. Balanced Carbohydrates: Oat flakes provide healthy, low-glycemic energy. Perfect for discerning pet owners seeking a wholesome, balanced diet for their dogs, our oven-baked food combines taste with health benefits. It's not just food; it's a commitment to your dog's well-being.

Royal Canin Mini Coat Care

Complete feed for dogs – For adult and mature small breed dogs (from 1 to 10 kg) – Over 10

Royal Canin Dog Wet Food Starter Mother & Babydog

Complete feed for dogs -For bitches from the end of gestation and during lactation – Weaning puppies up to 2

Ambrosia Turkey & White Fish Senior & Sterilized • All Breeds

Featuring a delicious combination of Turkey & White Fish, this recipe is suitable for senior and sterilized dogs of all

AMBROSIA Beef & Fresh Salmon

17,6062,40 or subscribe and save 5%
Adult • All Breeds Our Ambrosia Beef & Fresh Salmon recipe combines easily digestible fish protein coming from fresh salmon

Ambrosia Fresh Salmon & Turkey Senior Light Sterilized Mini

14,4036,00 or subscribe and save 5%
Our AMBROSIA Fresh Salmon & Turkey recipe is specially formulated for senior, obese and sterilized dogs maintaining high amounts of