Showing 1–18 of 20 results


Dog Chow Adult Lamb

A complete and balanced diet for adult dogs to support the continued development and energy needs of our playful young

Furminator Hair Collection Tool

Removes embedded pet hair from clothing, furniture and fabrics Quickly collects pet hair for easy clean-up Reusable – as effective and lasts longer than a sticky roller Convenient daily solution for pet hair disposal

Dog Chow Adult Large Breed Turkey

44,00 or subscribe and save 5%
For some large breed dogs, being a “Real Dog” means running around and chasing, whilst for others it means protecting

Furminator Giant Long Hair

FURMINATOR Grooming Tool removes 90 of dead hair cleaning with 1 click designed and recommended by professionals bisphenol a free for dogs of very large size short hair

Furminator Giant Short Hair

FURMINATOR Grooming Tool removes 90 of dead hair cleaning with 1 click designed and recommended by professionals bisphenol a free for dogs of very large size short hair

Dog Chow Sensitive Dog Salmon 14KG

12,0042,40 or subscribe and save 5%