Showing 1–18 of 21 results


NATURAL CLUMPING CAT LITTER: 99.9% natural clumping cat litter that does not compromise on performance, while supporting your cat’s comfort

Aellis Natural Dog Food Grain Free Chicken

"Oven-Baked Fresh Free-Range Chicken Dog Food with Superfoods & Greek Virgin Olive Oil" Discover the ultimate nourishment for your beloved dog with our Oven-Baked Dog Food featuring Fresh Free-Range Chicken. This premium recipe is meticulously crafted to cater to the ancestral diet and biological needs of all breeds, adult and senior dogs alike. Our main ingredient, fresh free-range chicken, provides high-quality protein, ensuring a meal that's both delicious and nutritious. Key Ingredients: Fresh Free-Range Chicken Meat (70%): Serves as an excellent protein source. Chicken Organs (Liver & Hearts): Provides essential nutrients. Natural Superfoods: Including goji berries, cranberries, and chia seeds for antioxidants and phytonutrients. Fresh Vegetables: Pumpkin and carrots for fiber and vitamins. Greek Virgin Olive Oil: For Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, promoting healthy skin and a shiny coat. Benefits: Highly Digestible: Made with ingredients that are easily absorbed. Supports Immune Health: Superfoods and herbs boost the immune system. Hypoallergenic: Free from common allergens, suitable for sensitive dogs. No Artificial Additives: No colors, flavors, or preservatives. Balanced Carbohydrates: Oat flakes provide healthy, low-glycemic energy. Perfect for discerning pet owners seeking a wholesome, balanced diet for their dogs, our oven-baked food combines taste with health benefits. It's not just food; it's a commitment to your dog's well-being.

Isegrim Can Puppy Turkey & Beef Pouch 410gr

TURKEY + BEEF, WITH SWEET POTATO, SALMON OIL & MOUNTAIN HERBS   The leanest turkey and beef provide young dogs

Isegrim Can Adult Wild Boar Monoprotein Pouch 410g

WILD BOAR + PARSNIP, FLAXSEED OIL & FOREST HERBS   Naturally healthy meat from wild boars as the sole source

Isegrim Can Adult Duck & Hearts Pouch 410gr

DUCK + HEARTS WITH VEGETABLE-MIX, LINSEED OIL & FIELD HERBS   Healthy duck meat is especially rich in proteins and,

Isegrim Can Adult Deer & Game Pouch 410gr

DEER + GAME WITH PARSLEY ROOT, SAFFLOWER OIL & FOREST HERBS   Inspired by the feeding territory of ancestral dogs,

Isegrim Can Adult Salmon & Trout Pouch 410gr – (Duplicate Imported from WooCommerce)

SALMON + TROUT WITH SUNCHOKE, SAFFLOWER OIL & RIVER HERBS   Fresh salmon and trout provide vital Omega-3 fatty acids,

Ever Clean Multi Crystals

14,0320,82 available on subscription

Ever Clean Extra Strong Scented

14,0320,82 available on subscription
Fresh Scented clumping cat Litter with Extra Strong clumping formula locks in malodour for continuous freshness. Made with superior clumping

Ever Clean Total Cover

14,0320,82 available on subscription
The Hygiene Plus formula in Ever Clean Total Cover provides an environment of wellbeing for your cat, with fine microgranules

Ever Clean Unscented Extra Strong Clumping

14,0320,82 available on subscription
An unscented variant of Ever Clean’s extra strong clumping formula that locks in malodour and reduces crumbling for cats sensitive to scents. Made with superior clumping clay that reduces crumbling, resulting in tight and easy-to-remove clumps with low dust. Unscented for cats and people who are more sensitive to scents. Our unique activated carbon technology traps and locks in odours thereby eliminating malodour instead of just masking it. For continuous freshness, Ever Clean is effective at eliminating cat urine, faecal and ammonia odours.

EVER CLEAN Spring Garden

14,0320,82 available on subscription
Inspired by nature, Ever Clean Spring Garden is specially designed to bring a fresh floral scent to your home and

Ever Clean Arena Multiple Cat

14,0320,82 available on subscription
If you’re lucky enough to share your home with more than one cat, Ever Clean’s Multiple Cat will provide extra