Showing 1–18 of 54 results


Royal Canin Mini Dental Care

Oral hygiene plays an important part in the overall health of your dog. That’s why a diet that contains nutrients

Aellis Natural Dog Food Grain Free Chicken

"Oven-Baked Fresh Free-Range Chicken Dog Food with Superfoods & Greek Virgin Olive Oil" Discover the ultimate nourishment for your beloved dog with our Oven-Baked Dog Food featuring Fresh Free-Range Chicken. This premium recipe is meticulously crafted to cater to the ancestral diet and biological needs of all breeds, adult and senior dogs alike. Our main ingredient, fresh free-range chicken, provides high-quality protein, ensuring a meal that's both delicious and nutritious. Key Ingredients: Fresh Free-Range Chicken Meat (70%): Serves as an excellent protein source. Chicken Organs (Liver & Hearts): Provides essential nutrients. Natural Superfoods: Including goji berries, cranberries, and chia seeds for antioxidants and phytonutrients. Fresh Vegetables: Pumpkin and carrots for fiber and vitamins. Greek Virgin Olive Oil: For Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, promoting healthy skin and a shiny coat. Benefits: Highly Digestible: Made with ingredients that are easily absorbed. Supports Immune Health: Superfoods and herbs boost the immune system. Hypoallergenic: Free from common allergens, suitable for sensitive dogs. No Artificial Additives: No colors, flavors, or preservatives. Balanced Carbohydrates: Oat flakes provide healthy, low-glycemic energy. Perfect for discerning pet owners seeking a wholesome, balanced diet for their dogs, our oven-baked food combines taste with health benefits. It's not just food; it's a commitment to your dog's well-being.

Royal Canin Mini Coat Care

Complete feed for dogs – For adult and mature small breed dogs (from 1 to 10 kg) – Over 10

Royal Canin Dog Wet Food Starter Mother & Babydog

Complete feed for dogs -For bitches from the end of gestation and during lactation – Weaning puppies up to 2

Applaws Puppy Large Breed Chicken

56,2597,50 or subscribe and save 5%
GRAIN FREE Dry puppy food is ideal during the early stages of your puppy’s life, enriched with natural DHA and EPA extracts from salmon oil providing essential nutrients for the vital functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Applaws Puppy Small & Medium Chicken

21,7597,50 or subscribe and save 5%
GRAIN FREE Dry puppy food is ideal during the early stages of your puppy’s life, enriched with natural DHA and EPA extracts from salmon oil providing essential nutrients for the vital functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Applaws Adult Small & Medium Chicken With Lamb

21,7556,25 or subscribe and save 5%
GRAIN FREE Applaws Complete Dry Dog Food provides a natural source of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids and also contains pre-biotic and pro-biotic.

Applaws Adult Small & Medium Chicken

21,7556,25 or subscribe and save 5%
GRAIN FREE Applaws Complete Dry Dog Food provides a natural source of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids and also contains pre-biotic and pro-biotic.

Royal Canin Giant Adult

78,40 or subscribe and save 5%
BONE AND JOINT HEALTH: Glucosamine, chondroitin, and EPA & DHA help support bone and joint health VITALITY SUPPORT: An exclusive vitality complex of antioxidants for dogs promotes cellular health HEART HEALTH: Nutrients, including taurine, support heart health HEALTHY DIGESTION: Easy-to-digest proteins and a balanced blend of fibers provides digestive support

Royal Canin Giant Junior

81,60 or subscribe and save 5%
PUPPY NUTRITION: Meets the nutritional needs of extra-large dogs in their second growth stage (after 8 months) MUSCLE SUPPORT: Adapted protein levels and L-carnitine support muscle development BONE AND JOINT: An adapted energy intake and balanced mineral content promote healthy bone and joint support IMMUNE SUPPORT: An exclusive blend of antioxidants and prebiotics aids healthy development of immune systems and digestive health